
Standards you must follow while handling files and folders

  • Never have spaces in the folders and files name. They get broken easily on the system while using terminal or command prompt for example. 
  • Categorise your files in folders so that there is a logical structure which are easier to navigate. 
  • Name your files and folders appropriately so that they convey exactly what information they hold.




Social Media - What is Social Media, why do we use social media?

Social Media are digital entities or websites or mobile apps which facilitates community building, interaction, communication - sharing of information among each other using multimedia - text, images, videos and audios. Social Media enables user to connect with each other, form digital communities, stay in touch with their network.

Social media platform first emerged in XYZ and has been continuously been improved as the technologies got developed. 

Top things to keep in mind while using email services for your Domain Name

I have been using Google Apps (the legacy one) for over 9 years now. Following are some of my learnings which can solve some headache for you if you are moving to Google Apps or any other email service. 

Selected clip screenshot on your macbook is copied to the clipboard

Whenever you take a clip screenshot on your macbook machines using the shortcut (Command + Shift + 4), the selected region is both copied to the clipboard as well as an image file is saved in the Desktop by default.

I didn't know the former part as it is useful when you want to clip a section of screen and paste it in the application, for eg: in my case it was evernote.

Indeed an important mac trick which may enhance your productivity.

Best place to save your Photos

If you want to keep thousands of photos and videos for free then the best application to store them is Google Photos. Google photos lets you export 500 images in one go so if you are having thousands of images then it may take a lot of time to download the photos.

However if you wish to download all the google photos, if you can export those using Google Takeout which is essentially used for exporting a backup of your google account and you can select from all the listed services offered by Google. 

Understanding Facebook Reactions – Facebook likes have been made more human

Facebook is the king of social media which has over 2.45 billion active users. Being the largest platform, it is one of the best marketing channels for any product/ service provider. That is the reason why global brands take Facebook very seriously.

Recently Facebook introduced a new change in the Facebook Likes by introducing Facebook reactions such as Love, Haha, Wow, Sad and Angry which makes them more human in terms of emotions which is expressed by humans.

Evolution of Data Science

What is the secret sauce to go Agile?

As you might already be aware of the fact that if you are development softwares and still haven’t adopted the Agile methodology then you are in the increasing minority and you would be losing your competitive edge over the competitors who have already gone Agile.

According to a study, Agile projects have 28% more success rate than the projects employing other types of project management methodology.

So what’s the secret sauce? Right mind-set.

Why go Agile? Some thoughts around project management using Agile methodology

Since the world is going gaga about the Agile way of Project Management, let’s discuss some of the reasons why everyone is bullish about the Agile way of doing things.

Agile projects are delivered on-time because the progress is constantly tracked in form of sprints and any deviation is red-flagged in the following daily stand up meetings (DSMs).

Remove social media authorisations from your accounts

These days you can login into most of the well known applications like Hootsuite, Buffer and thousands of other apps using your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, etc. So how will you be able to remove such integrations from your social accounts as those could be a potential threat if left unattended?

Well, here is the process:

