Insights by Gaurang

Tableau Public version - The Goods and Bads

Tableau Public version is a life saver for anyone who wants to keep their journey of using Tableau, to use it for personal purpose, to practice Tableau for career aspirations.

It's almost fully functional barely a few features that are disabled.

Earlier in 2024, Tableau Public was allowed to save Tableau worksheets locally which was a most awaited feature for about a decade or even more. This prevents the need to use Tableau Public account but you should still use it to showcase your portfolio to the audience.

Why you should Watermark your videos while sharing on Video streaming platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo?

If you are running your YouTube Channel or having digital identities, it is important to improtect your content/ digital assets from getting copied. It takes few hours to dozens or even hundreds of hours to produce something good and is copied in matter of minutes by others. Moreover, it might so happen that your original content would receive less views or engagement than the one who copies it -- everyone must have seen this happening with a lot of posts on LinkedIn, Twitter and that could be demotivating for original creators.

How to delete Facebook Ad account or brand manager account?

On Facebook, you can't delete individual ad account, you have to delete whole of the brand manager account. 

Delete the business account. 

Once you schedule the Brand manager account for deletion, it can’t be accessed. All Pages, accounts and tools added to this business will return to their original owner or be deleted in 24 hours.

Top 10 ways to get traffic to your personal / business website

A website is no good if it doesn’t get traffic. Structure your website well and fill it with infomration that will add value to your audience. That would ensure that audience will visit the webpage, consume the content and take the required action - it could be opting for your services, buying products that you are recommending. Without marketing your website, it’s a waste of assets, considering getting a website is time and capital intensive activity. 

Best practices for content marketing

  • Every piece of content should be thoughtful and should be part of your overall distribution and long term goals else you will suffer from burn out as most likely you won't be reaching anywhere.
  • Repurpose your content often with some value add in each iteration. If your content hasn't reached a substantial audience then you must continue to iterate and share as much as possible. Implement any feedback received to polish the content further.

Important days for Marketing professionals (Digital Marketing - Social Media)

Important days for Social media professionals - 

  • Earth Day - 23 March

A thousand things I learnt from Larry Ellison from his books, speaking engagements, videos, etc.

Larry Ellison is one of the most influencial and powerful entrepreneurs in the world and has this magnetic aura and personality which attracts just about everyone. 

He's adventurous - being in business proves that, but also that he participates in boat sailings, etc.

Here are a thousand things that I have learnt from Larry Ellison by reading books, watching his talks/ interviews/ podcasts and more. 


What is Adobe Analytics, how Adobe Analytics is better than Google Analytics and why to use it for measuring your website's analytics?

Curious about Adobe Analytics and why it is one of the hidden weapon in the marketing arsenal of the mega enterprises? Because Adobe Analytics is massively powerful and only few web analytics tool can compare.

Let's start with basics. What's Adobe Analytics? 



Data Integration from Point of Sale, CRM data to find hidden patterns through user behavior and user journey, and which activity has contributed to the bottomline. 

Adobe Analytics enables stakeholders in making decisions based on right insights. 

Standards you must follow while handling files and folders

  • Never have spaces in the folders and files name. They get broken easily on the system while using terminal or command prompt for example. 
  • Categorise your files in folders so that there is a logical structure which are easier to navigate. 
  • Name your files and folders appropriately so that they convey exactly what information they hold.




Mysql Workbench doesn't import all rows from CSV to table

I was trying to import the contents from CSV file to a MySQL table while using MySQL workbench. Interestingly, it just won't import all the rows which were in the CSV file.

Things I tried -

1. Try keeping only 3 columns and then try importing -- all rows successfully got imported

2. Removed few columns which were having dashes as values and not null. Removing those and then trying importing the csv again led to import of lesser no. of rows.

3. Searching for any problematic values in the columns which could be making MySQL to skip the rows.

