The powerful image and videos managing software that I discovered recently - DigiKam

Over the years I have travel extensivelty and clicked over 80,000 images and recorded 3,000+ videos. Imagine how hard it would have been to manage/ catalog such huge library if there wasn't any software for that. And if there are softwares then most of them would crash because of the massive size of the assets. Also, the software must support multiple disks as the data can't really fit in one single drive but needs multiple removable drives.

Also, you would want the software to be able to tag the images and videos for easy and faster retrieval of the videos and images. 

The one software that can manage such large library brilliantly is DigiKam and it is a free and open source one which is a jackpot for any hobbist photographer and even marketers. DigiKam turned out to be ultra stable software as Apple Photos crashed after storing about 100GBs of photographs and videos but DigiKam for me manages more than 1TB worth of data without any issue in past 3 years. 

DigiKam also supports Image recognition and duplicate checking which makes the software even more featureful. 

To make it easier for you to start using DigiKam, we have made a series of Digikam tutorials which can be watched here:


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