What are some of the content distribution channels on Internet - 2020 edition?

I will be quick on this without delving into much of the details but each of the points will be clickable just in case you want to know specifically about any/ all marketing channel mentioned below:
  1. Facebook User profile
  2. Facebook Page
  3. Facebook Group
  4. LinkedIn User profile
  5. LinkedIn Groups
  6. Twitter User Account
  7. Blogs - Wordpress/ Blogspot
  8. Comment on third-party blog posts in a non-spammy way
  9. YouTube Videos
  10. Plug secretively in YouTube Video Comments
  11. Forums specific to your product/ service/ Industry
  12. Organise Webinars
  13. Podcast and different podcast platforms
  14. Free Press Release websites
  15. Free Article/ Blog post submission websites
  16. Tik Tok User profile - Hugely popular among age group 15-30
  17. Instagram - Very popular for sharing Image and Video content.
  18. Own website - promote it through SEO
  19. Free PDFs/ Whitepapers
  20. SlideShare
  21. DocStoc
  22. Scribd
  23. Torrents - tricky but can lead to huge volumes of traffic

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