Vision , as it supposedly mean "the faculty or state of being able to see ( the future , perhaps )" .
When we apply notion of visions in partnerships ( Business partnerships precisely ) , thing becomes more interesting with capabilities of either turning scrap into gold or jeopardizing entire mine of gold into sack of coal .
Importance of partnerships in startups ( business) has been a cliche eversince . As it mostly depends on the personality / character and most importantly "Vision" of the entrepreneur .
As they say , own experience about things is valuable so I experimented and it was darn fun .
I partnered with about 2 ( 4 ) different people for 4 different projects in 4 different time-lines .
Most of them had the vision ( not exactly matching with mine ) but I wanted to have a partner ( as I heard somewhere that having partner is good ) . So , for the sake of having partner I had them twice .
Case 1 :
Vision of the Partner 1 : To accumulate wealth without struggle , To get high returns without investments ( achievable isn't ? )
Personality of Partner 1 : Non-hustler , epitome of Laziness , unwilling to learn things ( at a decent speed )
Struggling time : 6 months
Result : Although the business was generated but I realized that things won't get better if laziness will become integral part of the personality .
Case 2 :
Vision of the Partner 2 : Hoard Equity ,To accumulate wealth with whatever it takes
Personality of Partner 2 : Hustler , Passionate , Learning speed is incredibly high
Experience : Prior experience of startup - none
Struggling time : 6 months , 4 months , 4 months ( I gave 3 chances )
Result : No business generated , disaster happened when the control of a conversation ( with important person) was given to him .
In this case , I was at fault too as unpreparedness of mine in terms of controlling the conversation once I lost it .
Common threads between two :
a) Both of them were my best friends
b) Both of them never wanted to invest any money ( 50% sweat equity is what we are talking about overhere ) [ Don't laugh at me as I am too generous , many of the times ]
c) Has greed ( If that won't be too rude to say )
d) Had fundamental problems in understanding that result comes late unlike in a job where you get returns ( in form of paycheck at month's frequency )
and so forth .
e) Unavailability during crucial times
f) Undermining the importance of sitting together , discussing , brain-storming
There must be many cases in existing giant organizations where vision mismatch must be happening between co-founders , and if the mismatch turns out to be major one , one thing is assured , consequences won't be very pleasing .
Last but not the least :
My vision about my startups ( Generic one ) : To treat the startup as a little baby , to nurture it , to give absolute attention & priority and grow with it .
Mismatch between my vision & reality : Although I treated them as a little baby , my attention was always divided .
I figured out my flaws , flaws of partnerships ( with people carrying wrong vision ) and now for a while , I will be going solo and have employees ( Interns / Volunteers instead ) .
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