Adobe Analytics and Adobe Target - Some observations and learnings

  What is personalisation? How to start plan your roadmap?
Tailored experience
What marketing wants to offer 
Talilor the content as per the audience
Different implementation techniques.
Tailored offer content for every audience type - Examples - How it is happening
Retaul websites (34%)
Personalised Techniques
Direct impact on R 0 more inclined to buy thiungs 
Personalised strategy
Prereq - WHo's our user
Idenitifyuing audience and group a set of visitors
Audience - group of visitors
Audience is related to user personas - Demo of any purchase history
WHat personalisation level do you want 
High level audience in mind - planning for their experiences.
There are different implementation techniques with Adobe Target - APIS, User SDS, Java SDK, Server side API, Delivery API
Hybrid - is new and uses both client/ server - and it is for activities created in visual editor
Client side personalisation
How integration happens - client side? Ad recommendation method - Adobe Launch
AEM - Adobe Launch -- Target -- Analytics 
Experience like banner 
WHat different banners you want to show 
Create different variations - test which version is performing the best
Personalisation of your content 
Do tests - before finalisating 
different step -
Analyzing the data - impact - A/B 
Letting the test run for enough time for conclusive research
How much time is good enough
Actual - Tailored experience
ADobe Target Basics - Anything is called Activity
Activity creation - for eg. A/B Testing || Audience 0 Creating Audience is important || Reporting - Analyzing the data || Offers - Data is returned to user 
activity creation is in 2 ways - Visaul | FOrm - Activity URL 
Adobe Experience Cloud 
Adobe ANalytics 
Analysis workspace
Allows test and optimise every experience, everytime
WHole optimisation engine 0 AI power testing persoanlisation aand automation at scale
Find individual at scale and delight them
A/B Test 
Automated persoanlisation
Experience targeting 
multivariate test - <VT
ET/XT is rule based targeting
AE Cloud debugger is used for configuring and debugging adobe analytics.
Adobe Analytics 
Analysis workspace - ADhoc Analysis, Cohort Analysis, Fallout Analysis, ADhoc - Flexi - Cohort 
Most people don't know what is possible
THere are gems buried in that dataYou must know what's hidden
making data useful
Shape the data the way people understands
Adobe Experience leagure helps in building the skills for customer success - so that the platform created will make customers more productive 
Guided learning - Community - KB SUpport
Adobe Experience Platform
Drag and Drop dimensions and elements into canvas to created
SImplicity is critical
Take ANalytics maturity to a new level - from data to insights to action
Target A/B Testing 
Dimension 0 is an attribute of visitors on your websites
Technology, browser, location, page, source
Metric is a number - a QUant
Mentions v/s Metric
Adobe specific 0 implementation
eVar - Custom conversion variable - dimension who/ which  what that affected a conversion
Props - targgic variables - less popular - 
Success events are always a number or metric
Digital Marketing

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