We consume a lot of information on daily basis and quite often it isn't retained much, effectively wasting all your efforts and precious time. Therefore we much primarily focus on topics/ information which is going to help us in long term and is retained well for longer period of time.
For that purpose, the concept of spaced repetition comes handy.
Also, the way we learn differs. Knowledge is consumed easily through watching videos than by reading books while reading books gives you more deeper knowledge and sticks with you for longer period of time.
Therefore, as of now, my learning framework which I can think of, will have watching video tutorials on the topic I am interested in, make notes of those, practice a bit and practice a bit more after few hours.
After that, read blogs and books on the topic to reinforcement and deepen the learning and practice after few days to weeks and further months to retain the new learning and using the knowledge in day to day life to ensure that returns are fetched from the investment of your efforts and time.
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