Learnings from Paul Graham

Thoughts after Reading Paul Graham ( His & now they have become mine ):

Human Nature remains same. It had been like this for millennia. But everything else is not so static and keep on changing ( evolving rather ).

How would you cope up with that stay abreast with all the changes.

Programming has got such a beauty that you can make something which has 100x to 1 million times the value as compared to the salary of a person.

Surround yourself with people who keeps on ideating. That helps in gauging if your ideas have become obsolete or not.

Focus on becoming earnest, energetic and independent-minded person.

writing about topic / betting ( in tangible form ) on future trends makes you more focused, responsible than becoming someone who just comments.

becoming a domain expert ( takes an year long hardship ) - sub conscious mind of a domain expert generates ideas, which can be random in nature but are worth exploring.

ideas - keep on solving problems for having more.

Keep on doing things, sail with the wind. Be open minded ( receptive to changes ) and evolve.

Be afraid of failure - After listening to Sharukh Khan's Session at Yale ( on YouTube ).

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